Another Sleep Deprived Night

Adam has been ill again and so not sleeping great. I helped that some what the night before last by sleeping with him but last night I was out at a gig and Simon decided he was well enough to sleep in his own bed.

Unfortunately, that was a wrong plan. Adam woke up about 130, apparently, and wouldn’t resettle. I finally heard him (I was in the spare room as it was my ‘night off’) around 230 and moved Simon to the spare room and got into bed with Adam. At 330 Adam was done even lying down. So we are in the front room, Adam is playing and I am writing this blog post. In about an hour I’ll get Simon up and I’ll get a couple of more hours before Simon needs to get to work. I have a ton of work to do today as well so I’ll see how Adam is and if he seems okay send him off to daycare as usual. Well, not usual, he usually goes on Thursdays, but I switched it last week so I could process the video from last night’s gig. But if he’s impossible he’ll stay with me and I’ll work around him. It’s not ideal, but I’ve done it before.

So I have decided that we are going back to co-sleeping. Adam has not been sleeping well, or all night, in his own bed and I am done with my own sleep being disrupted to bring him into bed and shift everyone around in the middle of the night. Some will say Simon and I have ‘made a rod for our own back’ on this issue, but I think that phrase means nothing. My goal is to get everyone as much sleep as possible. If that means going back to co-sleeping, such is life. It won’t be forever.

This Too Shall Pass. I wonder if I have the skills to embroider that on a sofa cushion…

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