And The Ways They Stay The Same…

I was told, by more than one person, that I’d never get to finish a book again.  I’ve actually finished the entire Dresden Series in the past approximately 3 months.  Slower than I would have pre-Adam, its true.  But I still find time to read.

I was told, by more than one person, that I’d have no time to go online.  I’m on almost as much as I was before he was born.  There are lots of times he will only sleep in my arms (or Simon’s).  So one hand surfs the net, the other hand holds him.

I was told, by more than one person, that I’d never get to eat a hot meal again.  Well, sometimes that is true. Other times he sleeps away while Simon and I eat.  I am sure that will be more true as he gets older and sleeps less.

I was told, by more than one person, that I’d never get to soak in the tub again.  Why not?  Simon is just as capable of taking care of Adam while I did that (for almost 2 hours!!) the other day.

I don’t know, maybe I’m a bad mummy because I still do the things I enjoy even though I have a 5 week old baby? Or maybe I just know that sometimes it is more important to read a book/play on the computer/eat a meal while the baby sleeps than it is to hoover the floor/do the dishes/dust the front room?

Or maybe its because my husband and I share the load 50/50?  That he is up in the night with Adam as much as I am, while I sleep in our spare bed?  And vice versa?

Are we really that unusual in this?  If so, how sad for everyone else.  And how fantastic for us.

Posted in Adam, Being a Mummy.


  1. I just visited my birth month mom forum and found women complaining about never being able to eat their meals when they go out to eat with the babies.

    Um. Why not? I don’t get it. Maybe I’ll stir the pot and ask.

    Sure, we probably clean less than those w/o kids, and maybe we tailor what we do to include Em, but we certainly didn’t, don’t and won’t hibernate or be completely different people than we were pre-baby. Ugh.

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