Although Adam is Feeling Much Better

I decided I didn’t have enough spoons for the supermarket today.  So today we stayed home.  We played, he napped, I cleaned a bathroom, we played some more.

Let me say that again…he napped.  As in was put in his cot and stayed in his cot.  For a whole half an hour this morning and so far a whole hour this afternoon.  Its a miracle.

Granted, he fell asleep in my arms first, but one step at a time, okay?  The fact is that he is not only napping, which he fights like he’s going to miss something vitally important, but napping somewhere other than my arms or his pram.  He’s in his room.  With the door closed.  In his cot.

Well, the baby monitor just flickered (it has a visual indicator of noise along with being able to hear), so he might be waking up.  But he slept.  For a whole hour.  In his room.  With the door closed.  In his cot.

And there’s only been that one flicker.  So he could have just been breathing hard.  So he’s still asleep.  In his room.

Nope, awake!  But a whole hour! In his room! In his cot!!

Posted in Adam.

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