So the blob is nearly 2cm and has hands and feet. And eyelids!
Unfortunately, mommy has antenatal depression. As you all know, I am a depressive anyway, and all these hormones are making me very depressed. Can’t see my doctor until next week, so I’m trying to muddle through, but it is very hard.
This is what worries me the most about having this baby. Becoming completely non-functional at some point. I know it is actually a silly worry as I have never been so depressed that I didn’t at least eat and bathe myself, so I imagine I will be the same with a baby. And I am hardly alone in this. Simon is always wonderful when I am depressed.
But it is a worry. And I know it is one my family shares.
We shall just have to wait and see how it works out.
Yes, we do. And yes, we will.
I often give thanks to whatever Powers That Be that you & Simon found each other. Still doing that.
‘Course, you could also move back here. S would love to babysit, you know! A little young yet, but by the time Baby Fraser is 1 or so…………
(Huh, just noticed there is no preview button! Well, hope my HTML works. And you should talk to your webmaster about that.)