10 Things No One Tells You About Being Pregnant

  1. When you sneeze, the muscles across your bump pull.  So you sound like this: ACHOO OUCH!!
  2. Even early in pregnancy, the loo is your friend.
  3. Your lower back will hurt from practically day one.
  4. You become the Queen of Burps (TM).
  5. Worrying starts from the moment you get the positive HPT.  And apparently never goes away.
  6. Morning sickness can last all.day.long.
  7. Your skin gets so dry you should really buy stock in Body Shop for their Shea Butter.
  8. Except on your face.  The pregnancy glow is actually oily skin which leads to
  9. More spots than you’ve had since you were 15.
  10. You will never be so happy in your life as the first time you see your baby move at an Ultrasound.
Posted in daily, Pregnancy, Thoughts.


  1. Another warning about the sneezing- especially after the baby really starts to grow and press on your bladder, you pee just a little everytime you sneeze. After delivery this is even worse, oh and when you laugh too. Isn’t motherhood wonderous!!!

  2. Just burps? 😉

    I used to joke about the pregnancy glow too – later on it will be the sheen of sweat from the effort to get up. Or move your hands in an animated fashion whilst you speak. Its FANTASTIC.

    Lovely pics! Can’t wait to see more! And since you always requested pics of my preggo belly, when do we get to see yours? 🙂

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