Today I Preformed Major Surgery

On our old laptop.  We replaced it because it was having a severe overheating problem.  It kept shutting itself off, it was that bad.

So today, I took it apart. Completely.  From stem to stern.  From hard drive to mother board.

And found? Enough dust and other crap in it to make my own golem.  It was really really gross.

And then I put it back together.  And it works!  And its running much cooler!

So now it is defraging.  And then it will get a disk check.  And then maybe a fresh load of Windows.

And now we have two computers that work.  One is brand new and is good for *everything*.  And the other one is more or less refurbished and cruises the ‘net and can do word processing and such.

Also? I have my work laptop.  So really, we have three.  And the work laptop? Has Adobe CS.  So, when I bring it home, which I don’t always, I can do graphics on it.

And we have a wireless network at  home now.

So come on over, use a laptop.  Its here if you need it!

in other news, I’ve been doing a bit of freelancing, with my SMTs approval, on Belfast Rotary Club’s website.  My CEO is a member and he asked me to help them out.  The same company that did NISP’s site did that one, but I’m the overall web girl for it.  And I’ll be getting paid a bit to do it.

And i didn’t wind up actually losing any weight this week after all.  But I will.  Maybe this week.

So life is pretty good, technology wise.  If only I could sleep…

Posted in Belfast, daily, Eating Plan, Work.


  1. I’m impressed with your technical skills. If you get sick of being a PA you can always become a field engineer!

  2. I’m impressed with your technical skills. If you ever get sick of being a PA, you can always become a field engineer!

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