Thank You Jane

for both the comment and what you said.  I do appreciate knowing that someone, other than my mother and my best mate from University (Hi Mom and Rae!), is reading this!

But, according to my stats? I do indeed have only about 10 readers a day.  Well, not if I tweet a post, then people apparently follow the tweet here.  But I hate tweet spam almost as much as I hate regular spam, so I rarely tweet a post.

So please, everyone, comment!  Let me know you’re reading!  It really does encourage me to write more. 🙂

Posted in daily.


  1. Hi, there. I, too, now de-lurk. Dude, you have a great turn of phrase and an interesting take. I enjoy hearing about your life, transplanted across the great water and of your new adventure as a parent. Adam is a lucky guy. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Do your stats reveal is someone is reading your posts in a reader? I read the feed, not the actual post (unless I toddle on over hear to comment) 🙂

    But here I am, commenting!! lol

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