My Week In Review:

Monday: Usual day, Adam off to school, Simon off to work. I started to design the new Designed To A Tee Website.

Tuesday: Adam woke up with a horrible rash all over his face and a fever. Off to GP. Not impetigo, thank god, but not sure what. Put this cream on and send him back to school if fine on Wednesday.

Wednesday: Adam back to school as perfectly fine. I clean the house from top to bottom. It *so* needed it.

Thursday: I’m about 10 minutes from Adam’s school after dropping him off, heading for coffee and minor surgery when school calls. He’s pooed himself. I turn around and go clean him up. I then head straight to GP’s office to have the mole on my neck removed. Simon took the day to work from home so he could sort Adam after my procedure. Wasn’t too bad, but my neck ached and it wore me out.

Friday: Horrible weather. For the first time ever Adam and I take a taxi to school and it waits and brings me back. I had a horrid nights sleep thanks to my neck and my brain being stupid again. I spend the entire day doing *nothing*. Simon goes to get Adam, in the middle of a snowstorm!

By bedtime our back garden looks like this:

Saturday: Wake up to slightly melted snow. Get text from Adam’s coach that the physical education centre is closed because it’s flooded. YAYAY!

So we’re spending the day at home.

And that was my week.