Smoking…My One True Addiction

So on or about 18th October 2008 I quit smoking. That was the day I woke Simon by bursting into our bedroom at 6 am shouting ‘This thing says pregnant!!’

I managed to not smoke for my whole pregnancy and about the 1st year of Adam’s life. And then things turned upside down. My great night sleeper turned into a nightmare sleeper thanks to surgery and colds and flu and D&V and and and…

And I all I wanted to help with my exhaustion? A cigarette. Oh how good a cigarette would taste.

And about a year ago, after he’d been in daycare for a few months, I succumbed. I bought a 10 pack. I told Simon, who was very disappointed in me but agreed I was a grown up. And I promised him I wouldn’t smoke around Adam.

And I haven’t. I smoke when he’s at daycare. Or after he’s in bed. Or having a nap during the day.

But last night I decided to try and quit again. Smoking comes out of my weekly allowance budget and I want that money for other things. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. Or smell.

And I have enough health problems without adding tar and cyanide to the mix.

So today I proclaim my first day as a non-smoker.

I just hope I can stick with it.