My New Schedule

So, today was the first Monday since we moved into the house that Adam has gone to nursery and so I was able to implement my new schedule.

So today I took him to nursery and came straight back home. I put on a pot of coffee and put in a load of wash. Then I did work for my main client for about 4 hours. Then I had lunch.

You may recall me mentioning previously that I had to assign days to housework or I’d never get it done. Well, with a house over 2 floors, rather than dividing tasks, I’ve divided the floors. Each floor will get it’s clean every other week. So today began the week of the upstairs. Within each half I have a list of tasks such as dusting and hoovering and bed changing. I give myself the entire week to do it due to my physical and mental limitations. I got about 1/2 of it done today, so that’s quite good.

I will finish a good part of it on Wednesday, unless I have to run to see my client, which I may have to do due to an issue that so far we haven’t been able to resolve on the phone. In which case the cleaning will be completed on Friday.

And this is why I have a week. Because I need it!