Why I really Bought A Tablet

If you happen to read my Business Blog for Designed To A Tee you will note that I bought a tablet this week.

It wasn’t the tablet I crave, which is an iPad, but a nice little Android tablet that was 1/3 the price of a iPad.

As it says in that blog post, I did buy it so I could learn about Android. But I bought for another reason as well.

My hands.

At 43 years of age I have mostly reached the point where I cannot hold a pen for more than a few minutes. So I can sign my name but can’t really take notes in a meeting. I can make out a cheque but I can’t write in my journal.

And I need to be able to do all of those things, from note taking to journalling. And sometimes you don’t have your laptop with you. So you have your tablet.

I have been using my iPhone for these things, but the keyboard on my tablet is so much bigger I can practically touch type on it, as I am on this keyboard as I type this. Not quite as fast as I type on a keyboard (which is somewhere around 80 – 100 wpm) because the onscreen keyboard doesn’t react as fast and because it’s not full size.

But faster than on my iPhone. Easier, also.

So I bought a tablet.

I love her.

Her name is Sally.