And Now, Live From Belfast…The House!

Well, at least the downstairs…Adam’s D&V has returned and Simon has joined him. sigh

This is the view out our front window:

Rose bush

I have taken advice on how to deal with roses and am eagerly awaiting, strong clippers at the ready, for the flowers to die so I can cut that sucker right down! There are 3 others out there as well, but this one is the most beautiful.

The front room itself:

Living room

To anyone who has ever been to my flat, yes, the computer is in the exact same place. If we didn’t have a computer in the front room, Simon and I would never see each other. The TV is just over the right of that 2 seater. So it is pretty much the same layout as the flat, but slightly less floor space because the flat was totally open plan and here we have walls and doors!

The dining room:

Dining room

You can just barely see the back garden through the big glass wall/slider there. We are having a small problem as there is no key for the slider so the Estate Agent is working on that for us. Not that it’s a huge issue at the moment, of course, since it’s pretty much rained from the moment we’ve moved in!

And, yes, the laptop is in the same position as the flat as well. Did I mention? No computers downstairs, no seeing my husband and vice versa!

The kitchen:


Do you see what that is down there on the far left? A tumble dryer!!! I can now do all of our laundry in 2 days instead of it taking a week! We also have a drying line but, as I said, it’s been raining the whole time we’ve lived here so it hasn’t seen much use yet. There is also a line up in the garage but right now the garage is full of boxes of books.

And here is the back garden, with Adam, for scale 🙂 :

I can play ball in it

It is completely fenced in so once the weather improves, in 4 or 5 months, I’ll be able to open up the kitchen door and, key willing, the slider and he can just run around while I do stuff in the house. I think at 3 he’ll be okay to do that with frequent checking!

So that’s the downstairs. Let me get some more boxes unpacked (2 Fridays in a row Simon has taken the day off to help me do that and we’ve been scuppered by illness) and I’ll do the upstairs!