So Fridays

unless we have something else to do, Adam and I head to St George’s for the indoor Farmer’s Market.  We mostly go to buy fish, as its the only time there’s a decent fish monger at City Centre, but we also pursue the veg, just to see if there’s anything interesting.

The plan today was tuna, which I would then put under the grill with a mustard/mayo sauce and serve with the fresh local peas also purchased at St George’s today.  Except the tuna was £19.50 a kilo and looked a little off.

So instead I bought cod.  And am in the middle, right now, as we speak, of making Fish Stew.

This is a recipe that I acquire from my father in law.  He makes it much much better than I do, although Simon says mine is okay.  His is probably much better because I replace the 6 tablespoons of olive oil he cooks the fish in with fish stock. 🙂

The recipe:

500g firm white fish, like cod

2 cloves garlic

5 tomatoes

500g white mushrooms, sliced or quartered, depending on your mood

6 T plus Fish stock or olive oil


6 oz single cream

Clean and debone the fish.  It helps to have a pin boner for this.  I love my gadgets.

Cook at 200 C for 15 minutes in 6 T fish stock.

Turn oven down to 180 C and continue to cook, checking on moistness of fish frequently.  Add more stock as needed.

Meanwhile, deseed the tomatoes and cook in a bit of olive oil until mushy.  Peel off the skins and discard.

Add the garlic, mushrooms and parsley.

When the fish is cooked, add the cream to the pan and stir to combine.

Pour over fish and cook for another 5 minutes.

Serve over rice.

Its loverly. 🙂