Let’s Talk About The Right To Bear Arms, For Just A Minute

Tonight comes the news of a horrific tragedy in Newtown Connecticut, just 20 miles north of where I grew up.

And so the gun laws will be brought up again. And they should be. And people will say “Well, we have a right to bear arms. It’s in the Constitution.”

No, it isn’t.

What is in the Constitution is:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

A specific reason to bear arms. Not so some 20 year old asshole can walk into a kindergarten class and open fire on babies. So that the United States can defend itself against enemies. Whose enemy were those children?

I am so angry. With the shooter. With the US government. With the fucking gun lobby who will say “Hey, if the teachers had been armed, it would have ended differently!”

Yes. With  many more dead.

And don’t get me started on what the State of Michigan passed this week…

My prayers going out to all of the families and the children and the community of Newtown Connecticut.