Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off To School He Goes…

So, as I’ve mentioned, Adam starts pre-school in September.

Which means a new childcare situation.

I hate this.

Forget the fact that I hate the telephone and would rather email and text people.

There’s the fact that you never really know if the person or people will be good at looking after your children.

But I do need additional care for him. I currently have about 24 hours a week childfree.  16 of those tend to be used for the company, whether working for clients, looking for new clients, doing my books or what have you. That leaves 8 for everything else I like to do without a small boy underfoot, like clean the house and get some rest.

Preschool is only 15 hours per week, 3 hours a day. I will in reality probably have 2 hours a day to due commute time.

So I’ve just gone from 24 hours a week to 10…

So our goal is to find someone or some place to take care of him for at least 2 days, adding at least 8 hours to my childfree time.

Still not ideal. But 18 is better than 10.

So I’m looking for a child minder or a nursery who will pick him up from school and hold onto him for the afternoon.

Anyone local have any recommendations?