So In Precisely One Week

We’ll be on a plane to California.

I was feeling really really anxious about the trip, but for some reason all the anxiety has just disappeared.  Those 11.5 hours on a plane with a 6 month old will go how they go.  If he cries, he cries.  If he sleeps, he sleeps.

Same as for when we are in CA.  Taking him 8 hours outside his timezone may suck.  But then again he may adapt quickly.  I certainly have plenty of people to help us look after him if Simon and I need to crash out in the afternoon because he’s been up all night.  We’ve also booked two hotel rooms so we can alternate staying up with him and sleeping, just like we do at home!

So I am really looking forward to the trip.  I haven’t been home to CA for 6 years.  Or home for Christmas for that matter.

That’s a long time.

Posted in daily, Ex-Pat.


  1. Jonah took his first airplane ride at almost exactly Adam’s age and he did better than I did. Slept most of the way (although it was only a 5 hour flight vs. yours).Sucking really helped with the ear pressure, pacifiers and bottles both. I will not say that traveling with babies is easy but it is do able and I applaud you for getting hotel rooms. I always want to, because at least you have space of your own to escape to, but if you remember my family at all well escape is never an option.

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