I Did It Again

I tripped over a curb and skinned my right knee again.  At work.  On my way to lunch.

It really hurts.  I think the baby liked it though as I got a pretty good kick not too long after!

I think its these shoes, because I was wearing the same ones last time I tripped.  They are exactly what they say pregnant women should wear, flat, good traction and ankle high for stabilization.  And yet I tripped in them.  Twice.

I have my regular Friday off tomorrow so I think I am going shoe shopping!  Wish me luck on that one, because I can never find shoes I like!

As Mentioned Yesterday

I am officially in the 3rd trimester!  And I was told to upload a belly pic or else!! (not really.  Just asked for one!)

27 weeks

I am wearing the dress that was marked £45 and rang up half price.  And the over sweater that my brother and sister in law sent me for Christmas.  I was wearing it to go out to dinner last Saturday with the husband and his parents.

On Infections and the Possiblity of PND

So, woke up this morning.  Had breakfast.  Took a shower.  Threw up.  Went to Doctor.

Being investigated for a possible infection.  Or could be the vomiting bug that’s going around.

She is sending a referral to psych for me, just in case this antenatal depression turns into post natal depression (PND).  Its not guaranteed that it will, but it is, of course, possible.  This way I will be on psych’s radar again and will get treated fairly quickly if it becomes an issue.

She also said ‘it is better to bottle feed and be functioning on drugs than to insist on breast feeding and not functioning at all.’  She has a point.

I really want to breast feed, it is so good for baby and for me.  But if I can’t, I can’t.   I will come to terms with that, sometime in the next 15 weeks.

So I’m off work for at least the next week, until the possibility of infection is cleared up one way or another.  If I do have an infection, then I may be off another week, not because I’ll be contagious, but because I’ll need to take care of myself and the baby.

I’m sure work is thrilled.  I know I would be, if I was them…

People and My Bump

I may name a book that.

Anyway, it is interesting to see the different looks you get when people see you are pregnant.

Little old ladies smile indulgently.

So do little old men.

Young working type women look a bit horrified.  But not as horrified as their male counter parts.  You can almost see them counting the condoms in their wallets.

Young mothers look knowing.  Young fathers don’t seem to notice!

It makes walking down the street at City Centre quite an adventure! 🙂

I Have Noticed

now that I am definitely pregnant and not just fat, that everyone assumes this is my first baby.  Not bad for a 40 year old to look like she’s on her first baby!  Which, of course, I am.

Went to test drive prams today.  We are 99.9% sure we are buying this one.  In black.  Simon’s a bit shocked at the sticker price, but that’s what they cost!  Its very maneuverable, easy to collapse and bring back up and looks kind cool!!  We are being given a Maxi Cosi car seat, from a friend of mine at work, and that slots right into the base along with the carrycot (for 0 – 6 months) and the regular seat (6 months to 2.5 years).

So that’s one huge baby equipment decision made.  Now we just need some nursery furniture. Oh, and a baby. 🙂

Most Days I Dress Well For Work

Trousers or skirt.  Button shirt or nice pull over.  Cardigan.  Make up. Jewellery.  Like that there.

And there are days like today.  Days that I refer to Clean, Covered and Comfortable.  I mean, I’m not in jeans or anything, but I am in a weekend t-shirt.  And my cardigan is a bit ratty.


Because baby woke me up at 3am by standing on my bladder.  And then I could not get back to sleep.  Partly because of a snoring husband and partly just because I couldn’t sleep.  And the In Laws were over so couldn’t move into the spare room.

Finally drifted off again about 5:30.  Only to be woken by an internal rumba around 6:30.

Now my nose is sniffly, my head is a bit achy and the baby is still doing the rumba.

Yeah, may be going home at lunchtime.

Right On Schedule

So, insulin resistance starts around 20 weeks.  Yup.  Friday morning woke up, my BG was up.  Had breakfast.  Still up.  Lunch.  Up.  After lunch WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY up.  Called diabetic nurses.  Insulin has been increased.

Nurse I spoke to said that it probably meant the baby was having a growth spurt.  Fine with me! 🙂

2.5 days until the big scan!  Can’t wait to see the baby again.  Hopefully we’ll get some good pictures.  Waving and such.  Maybe sucking its thumb.