I Have Noticed

now that I am definitely pregnant and not just fat, that everyone assumes this is my first baby.  Not bad for a 40 year old to look like she’s on her first baby!  Which, of course, I am.

Went to test drive prams today.  We are 99.9% sure we are buying this one.  In black.  Simon’s a bit shocked at the sticker price, but that’s what they cost!  Its very maneuverable, easy to collapse and bring back up and looks kind cool!!  We are being given a Maxi Cosi car seat, from a friend of mine at work, and that slots right into the base along with the carrycot (for 0 – 6 months) and the regular seat (6 months to 2.5 years).

So that’s one huge baby equipment decision made.  Now we just need some nursery furniture. Oh, and a baby. 🙂

This is A Rant…

I’m warning you now.

So I belong to Mumsnet.  Its exactly what it says on the tin, a network of Mums, on the internet, in the UK.

They are obsessed with protecting their true identities, to the point that yesterday, when a regular poster posted a thread asking for help/advice because she had a 40C fever and was alone with her kids and then disappeared, and some other posters played Sherlock Holmes and tracked her down, yet more posters were appalled that her real name and location were *anywhere* on the ‘net.

Listen up people.  Your information is already out there.  Places you haven’t even thought about have it.  There is no privacy any more.

Deal with it.  I am not saying you should post your name address and phone number and ask people to stop by, but do not think that just because you haven’t done that that there isn’t 10000 different ways to find the information.

Its out there.

I Am Really Annoyed

I am tired.  I have been saying how tired I am and how I can’t wait for the baby to be here.

To which my supposed friends keep laughing at because ‘just wait until the baby is here.’

I am not stupid.  I know I will be even more tired when the baby is here.

HOWEVER, I will…

  1. Not be going to work for about a year
  2. Not be having to get up at any particular time, except when the baby gets me up
  3. Be able to rest during the day, provided the baby naps
  4. Be able to ignore parts of the house, like having to hang my work clothes to dry.  I won’t have any dirty work clothes!
  5. Even if the baby doesn’t nap, at least be able to sit on the sofa with it and veg in front of the TV, at least until its old enough to need a bit more interaction!!

This is not my first experience with a newborn, okay?  It maybe my first baby, but I’ve been around other small babies.  And yes, I know it is different when it is your own.

So will everyone please stop treating me like an idiot?


Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 22 Weeks

Dear Baby

This week has not been easy for Mummy.  She’s been feeling very poorly and kind of ‘off’.  Sniffles and total exhaustion.  And she is still waiting for her 2nd trimester burst of energy.  Since she is 2 weeks from being in the third trimester, I don’t think she’s going to get it.

This week you are about 19 cm long and weigh about 460g.  A whole pound!!!  You now have eyebrows and you are certainly moving around a lot in there!

You are most active over Mummy’s lunchtime, so around 11:30 – 1:30.  Mummy is hoping this means you will sleep well at night once you are born, but she can find nothing to support this theory!  Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.  Although she rarely, if ever, feels you move after dinner or during the night.  Unlike your Aunt A’s baby, who is due around the same time you are.  Aunt A’s been getting woken up at night.  I appreciate you not doing that!

Daddy is waiting very anxiously to feel you move.  So if you could kick Mummy harder, he’d appreciate that!

22 weeks gone…18 weeks to go.



So, Did Come Home Early on Thursday

And stayed home on Friday.  Cold seems to have settled and I feel much better today.

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Or as I prefer to call it, Half Price Chocolate Eve. 🙂

Simon and I have taken advantage of Marks and Spencer’s Dine in for £20 Meal Deal.  We got: –

Scallops in their shell with cheese

Pan Seared Rump steak with pepper sauce


Chocolate Souffle


A red rose.

All for £20.  Much better than eating an overpriced meal out!  Now if they would only send someone round to do the washing up…

Baby has been getting more and more active.  Especially around lunch time.  I am hoping the lack of movement when I am sleeping means he/she will be a good sleeper, but I have found nothing to prove that!  Guess I’ll know in 18ish weeks!

Most Days I Dress Well For Work

Trousers or skirt.  Button shirt or nice pull over.  Cardigan.  Make up. Jewellery.  Like that there.

And there are days like today.  Days that I refer to Clean, Covered and Comfortable.  I mean, I’m not in jeans or anything, but I am in a weekend t-shirt.  And my cardigan is a bit ratty.


Because baby woke me up at 3am by standing on my bladder.  And then I could not get back to sleep.  Partly because of a snoring husband and partly just because I couldn’t sleep.  And the In Laws were over so couldn’t move into the spare room.

Finally drifted off again about 5:30.  Only to be woken by an internal rumba around 6:30.

Now my nose is sniffly, my head is a bit achy and the baby is still doing the rumba.

Yeah, may be going home at lunchtime.

Letter to My Baby – Gestational Age 21 Weeks

Dear Baby

What a week we had!  The big scan, mummy’s 40th birthday, and snow in Belfast!  I hope the snow bit happens again sometime once you are in school, because there isn’t anything as magical as a snow day!

And we’re past the 1/2 way mark now.  Mummy is still waiting, very impatiently, for the 2nd trimester burst of energy everyone is promising her.  She doesn’t think she’s going to get it.

At 21 weeks you are about 18 cms long.  You have eyelids, but they are still fused closed, so your eyes aren’t open yet. This is probably a good thing.  Its not like you have a TV in there!!

This week you have also, apparently, learned to stand on mummy’s bladder.  Cuz she’s heading to the loo every hour or so.  Stop that, okay?

Mummy has been thinking a lot this week about what it means to be your mummy.  She keeps remembering this scene from the old TV show, Mad About You.  Paul and Jamie are expecting their first baby and Jamie suddenly realizes she’s the mummy and she has a total freak out over it.

I’m not freaking out at all.  I want to be your mummy.  I can’t wait to be your mummy.  I will always be your mummy.  Even when I’m 80 and you’re 40? I’ll still be your mummy.

Which brings me to the next thing I’ve been thinking about this week.

I’ve said in a previous post that you being born in a year that ends with 9 will test my maths skills.  Only, it won’t.  Because I will always be exactly 40 years older than you! Easy peasy to remember your age now! 🙂

So 19 weeks to go.  And I’m still counting every day until then.



I Have Suddenly Realized

I am no longer a licensed driver.

My California Driver’s License expired yesterday.  I can’t get a UK one with the current state of my diabetes.

In some ways it is oddly freeing.

I am sure it will feel less freeing when I am in California later this year, after the baby is born, and I can’t drive!

We don’t have a car, we have no plans to get a car. So why should I worry about a license? I shouldn’t! 🙂