Sunday Weigh In…

Darn.  Gained 2lbs.  But lost a teeny tiny bit in both my hips and my waist.

I knew I wasn’t going to lose this week, as I have not been able to exercise *at all*.  The cyst is right around my shoulder blade, so any movement pulls on it and it hurts.  And I tried to do my crunches/adductors/etc but that either made me have to lie on the cyst or really move my shoulder for position.  So no exercise this week.

Today it is feeling much better, albeit ITCHY, and I am hoping to do some aerobics and strength today.  I have a new DVD I am wanting to try, which has low impact and some abs/back work on it.

So its another week and hopefully I’ll do better.  Don’t think I’ll make my first goal of 10lbs gone by 31st July, however.  Oh well!

I’m Hearing More and More

people disparaging the youth of today. Saying they’re entitled. And callous. And rude. And so I point this out to them: –

“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

No one is exactly sure who said that. They are pretty sure it was said somewhere in the 4th or 5th century BCE.

My point? Is that the elder always thinks the younger are bad. Or wrong. Or rude. Its a sign of getting old when you see a bunch of kids simply messing around on the street and all you can think is how annoying they are.

I do think people in general are less polite than they used to be. And I do think there are many many parents out there who do not parent. But I do not think the youth of today are any worse, or better, than I was at their age.

I find myself, these days…

going more and more ‘crunchy granola’.

I use reusable bags for all my shopping.  I try to buy organic and free range and fair trade products.  I am considering buying a few of these.

I am not really doing it because I think I can save the planet.  I don’t really think the planet needs saving.  Or that we can save it.  I think the planet has been around for 100000000000000s of years and will be just fine on its own.

I do it because I prefer it.  I’d rather have a shopping bag that I can sling over my shoulder rather than one that I have to carry in my hands.  I prefer the taste of organic and free range.  I want to help my fellow man by making sure they get a fair price for their work.  And like the idea that these fold out to a placemat, since I often eat at my desk.

So I may appear ‘crunchy granola’ but I guess I am really not.

In other news, shoulder still oozing pus.  B pointed out last night, on IM, that I am deriving some bit of pleasure from telling people about my pussy shoulder.  She’s right.  Its fun grossing people out!

First of All…

Heeeeeeee to Hazel for that link from her comment yesterday!

Next, the *gross* story of yesterday.  Ready?  Okay! (sorry, was channeling my inner cheerleader, who I didn’t even know existed until just that moment.)

So for about a year I’ve had a cyst on my left shoulder.  Doctor looked at it when it appeared told me not to worry about it.  It would eventually go away on its own.  So I’ve ignored it.  Until weekend before last when it turned bright purple.  It didn’t hurt and I knew I was seeing Doctor this Friday for a check from my other problems, so I kept ignoring it.  It only hurt when it was poked.

So yesterday morning in the shower?  It popped.  Puss. Pain.  YUCK!  Ran out of the bathroom, dripping and in a towel to get Simon to help me bandage it.  He was totally grossed out.

Called in late to work.  Called the doctor.

Now I have antibiotics, and cream, and OUCH!  I think that’s why I am up so early today.  Because it really really hurts.

Doctor will look at it again on Friday and see if she needs to drain it or if the cream is doing its job and drawing the GROSS PUSS out of it.


I think I’ve checked my Analytics report 10000 times since Jeff and I got it working.


Kinda slow day at the office yesterday, and I mentioned my blog to the ‘girls’ and now they are all reading this. As I told them, I put nothing in here I wouldn’t say to their faces. Hi girls!

Went to bed at 8:30 last night with a headache. Still feel a bit headachey. And of course, since I went to bed so early, I got up at 4:40a. Still, that’s 7 hours of sleep!

Long weekend coming up. Can.Not.Wait.

First of All

A big thank you to my brother, Jeff, for helping me get Google Analytics to work on this here blog. Now I not only know how many people are hitting here, but what part of the world they are from and which posts they are reading!

In other news, as part of my get fit and healthy plan, I’ve been cutting down on caffeine.  And starting today, removing it more or less from my life.  I am drinking my first cup of decaffeinated coffee.  I am not really sure what the point of decaf is, other than the taste of coffee (and it does taste like coffee, thank god), but I am not quite ready to give up coffee altogether!

And I doubt I will never have another cup with caffeine in it.  Just not nearly as much as I used to!

Next on my list of things to dump from my life is refined sugar.  Yeah, that ones not going to be quite so easy…

A Message for My Family who Read My Blog

My blog. My memories. My hyperbole about my childhood. Don’t like the way I do this? Get your own blog.

Okay, now that I got that off my chest…another quiet day here at work.  3 of 5 Senior Managers on holiday.  Phones dead.  no email.

So what am I doing with myself (besides writing in my blog)?  Cleaning.  Filing.  Shredding.  All the day to day office maintenance stuff that doesn’t get done when I have my full team here.

So I’d better get back to it…

So, Is The Corn As High As An Elephant’s Eye?

Happy Birthday America!  Everyone have some cake for me!!

Simon and I were once again planning a picnic. Simon and I are once again not having said picnic because all I can see out there is clouds.  And a fierce wind blowing the trees.

Yesterday it rained so hard that water was gushing into one of our buildings so hard it looked like a waterfall.  Now, the building has always leaked (yes, yes I do live in Belfast.  No, we can’t seem to build water proof buildings, thanks for asking) but never where the waterfall was happening.  YIKES!

We are starting a betting pool in my office…will the new building leak?  I am betting yes.