As Requested – Paella

Shepherd’s Pie was also requested but I’ll do that another day!


Serves 4

1 T olive oil
1 red pepper
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
2 T smoked paprika
1 chicken breast
big hunk of chorizo Sausage, or if you don’t like chorizo, double the chicken breast
12 oz arbarito/paella rice
1/2 cup white wine
2 1/2 cups chicken stock
10 baby plum tomatoes
Mixed seafood (note: in the UK you can buy packs of precooked mixed seafood with prawns, mussels and squid. If you can’t get those in the US then you can just add pre-cook prawns or you can cook the seafood yourself! It needs to go into the dish already cook, however. It just gets warmed up in the paella)


In a food processor, chop pepper, onion and garlic until medium dice. Add to frying pan with olive oil and cook until just soft. Add paprika and cook another minute or two.

Meanwhile cut the chicken and the chorizo, if using, into chunks. Once the paprika has been incorporated, add the meat to the pan and cook until brown.

Add the rice and the wine and stir, cooking until the wine is absorbed. After the rice has absorbed the wine add the chicken stock and bring to a simmer. Cook, covered, for about 15 minutes or until the rice is just al dente and all or most of the liquid has been absorbed.

Add the tomatoes, which have been cut in half or quarters, depending on size, and the seafood and cook a further 10 minutes or until heated through and the tomatoes are soft.

Serve immediately.

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