Heeeeeeee to Hazel for that link from her comment yesterday!
Next, the *gross* story of yesterday. Ready? Okay! (sorry, was channeling my inner cheerleader, who I didn’t even know existed until just that moment.)
So for about a year I’ve had a cyst on my left shoulder. Doctor looked at it when it appeared told me not to worry about it. It would eventually go away on its own. So I’ve ignored it. Until weekend before last when it turned bright purple. It didn’t hurt and I knew I was seeing Doctor this Friday for a check from my other problems, so I kept ignoring it. It only hurt when it was poked.
So yesterday morning in the shower? It popped. Puss. Pain. YUCK! Ran out of the bathroom, dripping and in a towel to get Simon to help me bandage it. He was totally grossed out.
Called in late to work. Called the doctor.
Now I have antibiotics, and cream, and OUCH! I think that’s why I am up so early today. Because it really really hurts.
Doctor will look at it again on Friday and see if she needs to drain it or if the cream is doing its job and drawing the GROSS PUSS out of it.