First of All…

Heeeeeeee to Hazel for that link from her comment yesterday!

Next, the *gross* story of yesterday.  Ready?  Okay! (sorry, was channeling my inner cheerleader, who I didn’t even know existed until just that moment.)

So for about a year I’ve had a cyst on my left shoulder.  Doctor looked at it when it appeared told me not to worry about it.  It would eventually go away on its own.  So I’ve ignored it.  Until weekend before last when it turned bright purple.  It didn’t hurt and I knew I was seeing Doctor this Friday for a check from my other problems, so I kept ignoring it.  It only hurt when it was poked.

So yesterday morning in the shower?  It popped.  Puss. Pain.  YUCK!  Ran out of the bathroom, dripping and in a towel to get Simon to help me bandage it.  He was totally grossed out.

Called in late to work.  Called the doctor.

Now I have antibiotics, and cream, and OUCH!  I think that’s why I am up so early today.  Because it really really hurts.

Doctor will look at it again on Friday and see if she needs to drain it or if the cream is doing its job and drawing the GROSS PUSS out of it.


I think I’ve checked my Analytics report 10000 times since Jeff and I got it working.


Kinda slow day at the office yesterday, and I mentioned my blog to the ‘girls’ and now they are all reading this. As I told them, I put nothing in here I wouldn’t say to their faces. Hi girls!

Went to bed at 8:30 last night with a headache. Still feel a bit headachey. And of course, since I went to bed so early, I got up at 4:40a. Still, that’s 7 hours of sleep!

Long weekend coming up. Can.Not.Wait.

First of All

A big thank you to my brother, Jeff, for helping me get Google Analytics to work on this here blog. Now I not only know how many people are hitting here, but what part of the world they are from and which posts they are reading!

In other news, as part of my get fit and healthy plan, I’ve been cutting down on caffeine.  And starting today, removing it more or less from my life.  I am drinking my first cup of decaffeinated coffee.  I am not really sure what the point of decaf is, other than the taste of coffee (and it does taste like coffee, thank god), but I am not quite ready to give up coffee altogether!

And I doubt I will never have another cup with caffeine in it.  Just not nearly as much as I used to!

Next on my list of things to dump from my life is refined sugar.  Yeah, that ones not going to be quite so easy…

A Message for My Family who Read My Blog

My blog. My memories. My hyperbole about my childhood. Don’t like the way I do this? Get your own blog.

Okay, now that I got that off my chest…another quiet day here at work.  3 of 5 Senior Managers on holiday.  Phones dead.  no email.

So what am I doing with myself (besides writing in my blog)?  Cleaning.  Filing.  Shredding.  All the day to day office maintenance stuff that doesn’t get done when I have my full team here.

So I’d better get back to it…

So, Is The Corn As High As An Elephant’s Eye?

Happy Birthday America!  Everyone have some cake for me!!

Simon and I were once again planning a picnic. Simon and I are once again not having said picnic because all I can see out there is clouds.  And a fierce wind blowing the trees.

Yesterday it rained so hard that water was gushing into one of our buildings so hard it looked like a waterfall.  Now, the building has always leaked (yes, yes I do live in Belfast.  No, we can’t seem to build water proof buildings, thanks for asking) but never where the waterfall was happening.  YIKES!

We are starting a betting pool in my office…will the new building leak?  I am betting yes.

First of All

14 months, 42 countries and the most amazing 4.5 minutes you’ll spend on the ‘net this month.

Really. Go watch it. Even if you don’t ever watch vids on the ‘net. It’ll make you smile.

I’ve been thinking about stuff like that a lot lately.  About how one person will post something and then another will post it somewhere else and then suddenly, literally, the entire world is watching.

Take this ad, for example.  Heinz pulled it from the airwaves, due to complaints about the little kiss at the end.  Now? Its all over the ‘net.  So the marketing part is still working on it.  And its getting people talking.

I think advertisers and TV stations and movie studios still don’t quite get it.  There is no more powerful force than telling a bunch of people that they can’t view something and then giving them the medium to view it without the censor’s permission.  And the internet is a powerful medium for viewing.  And, yes copyright is an issue.  But I think we are nearing the end of copyright.  I just don’t see how it can be enforced effectively over the open channels of the world wide web.  And that does worry me, as it is important that people get the credit and the money for their work.  But we’ll see.

But there are billions of us out here.  Talking.  Sharing video and pictures and stories.  Bringing the world closer together.

So, go watch that video I put up there.  Its funny.  Its amazing.  And it takes you around the world in 4.5 minutes.  With some dancing included.

Heard From Mom As She Travels Around China

Apparently it is awesome.  She and Step Dad are having a great trip.  They will be in Wuhan by Friday and then I should hear more.

I actually got to chat to her for about 1 minute, as I had popped online from work to check my personal email (which I do as a break from my work.  Boss knows.  Doesn’t care).  I usually keep myself invisible on GMail when I am at work as I don’t have time to chat, but I saw that Step Dad was online so I sent him an IM.  I figured I could be forgiven if I got caught at work, since they are in China!  Mom actually popped on using Step Dad’s ID and I more or less got the following message: –

Aren’t you at work? Why are you chatting?!?!?

Mothers!  I mean, I’m 39, and I just got scolded!!  Gee, I don’t know, maybe I’m chatting because my Mom is in China and I haven’t heard from her in a week and there she was, online!
