Letter To My Son – Adam – Three Years Old

Dear Adam

Today is your third birthday. Mummy hasn’t written one of these letters in months, but figures if she applies herself, she’ll be able to manage once a year. 🙂

Adam At Three

Of course, your development over the last year has been incredible. You walk and run and talk and play and do puzzles. You count and know your colours. You have favourite TV shows and books and films. Mummy can now recite most of the Toy Story Trilogy by heart.

You finally have a bear that is yours. His name is Charlie. He wears a bandanna around his neck. You love him very, very much.

You are starting to potty train. Slowly, but surely. I am no longer worried about you needing to be trained by the time you get to pre-school in the fall. They won’t move you to the pre-school room at Wee Care until you’re trained, but you’ll only be there for another few months, so I am not too worried about pushing you.

You are, for the most part, a well behaved little boy. You have your tantrums, of course, but I get the feeling most of the time that you have a reason for being unreasonable, if only I could understand what those reasons are. Some day you’ll be able to tell me, I’m sure.

As predicted by many many people, you began sleeping through the night consistently around two and a half. Not always but most nights, sometimes for weeks at a time. Now if we could just get you to stay in bed until the sun comes up on your Gro Clock! But I’ll take 6 over 430 any day!

In just a few months you will start your school career with pre-school. Mummy is a bit worried since you’ll be one of the youngest in your class. We’ll just have to see how it goes, really.

The biggest thing that has happened recently is you giving all your bottles to the Bottle Fairy. Mummy and Daddy talked about it with you for at least a month and then the day arrived. And you were so sad, starting during dinner.

And then we were getting ready for bed and I realized Charlie, your bear, had been left downstairs so I called for Daddy to bring him up. You shouted “NO! No sleep with Charlie!” very loudly. And I realized you thought giving up your bottle meant giving up your bear! And your snuggles!

I soon told you that you didn’t have to do that! It was only your bottles you needed to give to the Fairy. Everything else is just the same as before.

The next morning you were fine! So I think you did understand about no more bottles. And Charlie was tucked in your arms all night.

And so my boy is three.

And everyday he makes me proud.





Posted in daily.

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