Letter To My Son – Adam – 12 Months Old

Dear Adam

This has been the fastest and bestest (sic) year of Mama and Daddy’s life.  One year ago yesterday, at 1036am you entered the world, squalling and peeing on me.


As everyone knows, you spent the first nine days in SCBU getting your breathing straightened out.


Daddy and I were so happy when you finally got to come home.
Adam brought into the house

But then, tragedy struck….you fell out of Mama’s arms at 3 weeks and spent two more nights in the hospital with a concussion and what turned out to be broken ribs.  This led to the Saga of The Lump which is still not concluded as of this writing, although you have a new surgery date of 21st June.

And then you began to develop and Daddy and Mama looked on with glee as you smiled, and rolled over and sat up and stood.  Now you’re cruising and getting ready to walk all by yourself.

And all through it, you’ve made Mama and Daddy laugh with your antics and how pleased  you are with yourself when you learn something new.

Your favourite things are: –

  • Bouncing.  You bounce on the bed.  You bounce in your cot.  You bounce in your playpen just using your knees and your bottom.
  • When Daddy swings you around in the air.
  • When Mama sings the Adam song during nappy changes. “A is for Adam, he is a little boy.  A is for Adam, he likes to play with toys.  A is for Adam, my lovely baby son! Adam Adam Adam’s number 1!!!!!” to the tune of ‘C is for Cookie’.
  • Ducks.  All sorts of ducks.  In the bath.  To play with during nappy changes.  Sitting on Mama’s lap.

And your next adventure starts in just under a month when you begin at daycare two half days a week.

Mama is so excited for you and kinda sad.  Its time for you to go off and have adventures without her.  And she knows you’re going to have fun.  But she’s going to miss you.

Happy Birthday my lovely son.


Adam Adam Adam’s Now One!

I love you


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