Ug, Insomnia

I’ve been up since 4.  Could not get back to sleep.

Seeing my doctor tomorrow, maybe we need to switch my meds *again*.

So much work to do, have to go in today and do it.  At least we finished unpacking yesterday.  Thank god for small favours.

So I just have to sit on my ass and write minutes today.  For the Board, for the Management Meeting, for the Staff.  And we’re gearing up for yearly appraisals.  Yip and may I add eee.

Maybe tonight I’ll have Simon hit me over the head with a hammer so I can sleep more than 5 hours.

Uh oh

So we have about 10 crates left to unpack. Please send good thoughts that in one of those crates are: –

  1. The plastic folder/envelope thingy that I keep the SMT’s receipts for expense reports in.
  2. DF&A’s notes from the Board Meeting for the Minutes.
  3. The catalogue for one of my office supply companies.

Number 1 could get me fired. Not really, but it will certainly get me yelled at!!

ETA: WHEW! Found them all!

So, On The Advice of My GP

I have been varying the amount of Trazadone I take, to see how I sleep.

50 mg. Wake up in the middle of the night at least once, don’t get back to sleep for an hour or more.

100mg. Sleep straight through, but only about 7 hours (which is not enough sleep for me *at all*).

150mg. Sleep straight through, but only about 7 hours (which is not enough sleep for me *at all*).

So, since 100 and 150 is the same result, I’ll stay with 100 mg.

In other news, the following questions have been raised as we pack and unpack the office:

  1. Why do we have 100000000000 pieces of crockery? Very little of which match.
  2. Why do we have 100000000000 hanging file folders?
  3. Why do we have 100000000000 rubber bands, when we never use them?
  4. Note for Robyn: don’t purchase any more staples until you’re absolutely positively sure you are out.
  5. Therefore I know why we have 1000000000 staples.

The above list is full of a bit of hyperbole.  But not much.

SMTP and AICAMML Ride Again

So today was the move.  Everything was moved by just after lunch.

AICAMML wanders in around 10:30.  Stands around until the trucks are loaded.  Says to boss “I am leaving, there is really no point in my being here until everything is unpacked.” I was standing there and said “You can unpack yourself on Monday.”  Boss says “Or you can come in this afternoon after everything is moved.”  AICAMML leaves for the day.  Building Manager thanks him for all his help.  He probably thought she meant it.

SMTP comes in around 1:30 for a meeting to be held at 2.  Comes to new office looking to work.  Nothing is set up at that point.  No phones, no computers, all files in boxes.  She sniffs and says she’s going back to old building.  Then says she working from home from now on.  Good Riddance.  *Then* she says “So will everything be unpacked today?” To which I reply “I doubt it, but you could come help unpack, since you didn’t help pack.”  Once again she looks like I asked her to shoot her puppy.

By the time I left at 5, all desks were in place, all cupboards were in place and we had the beginnings of connectivity.  Monday will again be spent unpacking.  The rest of the week will be spent *finally* writing the minutes for the Board Meetings that took place last week.  I hope I remember what they talked about….

How To, Once Again, Piss Off Your Admin Team

So we spent today packing the office for the move.  Me, Reception, Projects Assistant and Building Manager did little else all day.  We kicked ass and got the entire office packed by about 3.  Including a nice long sit in the sun with company bought pizza at lunch time.

Building Manager notices that Accounts Idiot covering Accounts Manager’s Maternity Leave (hence forth known as AICAMML) doesn’t appear to be packing.  The following conversation ensues:

BM: have you packed?

AICAMML: My desk is packed.

BM: What about your cupboards?

AICAMML: I have to pack my own cupboards?

BM: Have you not been here all week? Were you not in the staff meeting last Friday? Yes, you need to pack your own cupboards.

Then I had the following conversation with one of our Senior Management Team.  Please note that the *only* member of the SMT who did not pack his own things was the CEO.  This was because a.) that’s what he pays me for and b.) he was involved in the US NI Investment Conference all day, then had to go to the dentist.  The other 3 members of the SMT packed themselves completely, except for the one will call SMTP, for Senior Management Team Princess.

Me: SMTP, do you have a lot to pack?

SMTP: There is that stack of stuff that (her predecessor) left behind.

Me: Have you looked at it since you took over?


Me: So I can bin it?

SMTP: No, it needs to be gone through, but I don’t have time today.

Me: Fine, it’ll be dumped in a box.

I go on with other packing, such as my own desk and cupboards.  SMTP reminds me *three* times that her stuff needs to be packed.  I finally said “If you’re that concerned about it, grab a crate and pack it.” She looked at me like I told her to shoot her puppy.

Finally, Events Person packs her stuff and then sits at her desk the rest of the day.  I finally said to her boss and to my boss “EP is *not* making friends today.  The rest of us are packing our asses off and she’s just sitting there.”  Her boss tells me she is doing work.  I finally say to her “Please start the kitchen.”  She does *one* cupboard and then goes and farts around.

So out of a team of 10 people, about 6 of us did the whole office.

I will get my revenge on those that didn’t help.  Don’t you worry.

And tomorrow, we move.

Longest Nap Ever

I was feeling ill today, but I went to work because we had a very important Staff Meeting to announce that we were moving our office.  But I left at 12:30p.  And fell asleep at about 1:30.  And woke up a bit after 5, only because Simon came in to make sure I was okay!  Longest.Nap.Ever.

I do feel better, though.  Still rather sleepy, so it will be an early night, but not as sick as I was feeling this morning when I dragged my ass to work.

So, yeah, moving our office.  Next Friday.  Spending next week packing the office in between writing the minutes from the Board Meeting.  And all the other stuff I have to get done.  Should be a fun week.  Really. I mean it.

The good thing about the move is that we will finally be in our own space.  No more worries about what we talk about or being too loud.  So that’s a plus.

The bad thing about the move is that now we will be very far away from our reception staff and meeting rooms.

Admin team isn’t sure this is going to work.  We’ll have to wait and see.